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The marriage preparation been took many things from me (time; money(ofcourse); focus; etc). Basicly, i've been preparing my wedding eleven months before its time. At first, i am so excited about anything, all my thoughts and time just for the wedding preparation! and by the time goes, VOIIILAAA! there are so much things you should consider beside your wedding plan! and more important too. Okay the plan is crucial thou, but what do you think when your preparation goes smooth, but your relationship ruins well? We all know, on wedding plan time that is the hardest time for each couple: HIGH TENSE, HIGH EGO, and many more. Here what i have been struggling during this hard time:

Me and him, as couple before planning our wedding we had so much fun! we never missed our  holiday, vacation also our routine dating :) then here comes the weddingzilla! tight on everything, he is working like crazy as hell, no more dating time even  he still working on the weekend :( after the long relationship with the routine you've done, are you can just accept the changes? OF COURSE NOOOOOTT! Before you can accept his not-for-you time again, you will find yourself deal with the condition, you will feel that you get less (oh well sometimes when you down you feel none) attention from him, so little together time, or maybe you feel no more love from him. Starting from the condition happened, your relationship began to be a mess. You will fight everyday (even more than one time a day), not talking for the whole week or maybe very flattered relationship with no "love" words and actions. If both of you a flabby person maybe it would be easier, but since me and him is a high tense person.. uhhh it is become HELL! If i am not make an observationabout this maybe my wedding plan will be end up, even worst broke up.

So, after long observe with the seniors also several references of books and quotes, this is the life that every couple will be struggle for, what are they have to deal with. In here, someday after married everyone will be alone, spouse working, children busy with their own life. The point is, when you plan to get married it means that you ready to be mature, full of understanding and acceptance. If you think you can't you need to pray it means your uncertainty is bigger than your faith! :) For someone who's not been ready to do this, oh yes marriage is scarry but it is more scarry if you cannot deal with the situation, if you cannot accept your spouse whatever he will or done with.

Therefore, put your biggest trust to your partner and do not worry for what happened to your relationship, because God is love you so much. If He wants you to know about lying or anything you don't know that might loss you, He will tells. His way is different from your way and His time is not your time! He decide when you need to know and when you don't. :)

KEEP FIGHTING and KEEP STRUGGLING your happiness is not only from your partner, you create it your self!



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